Halloween with Tinsley Transfers
Halloween is fast approaching! It is the time of the year that I love as a makeup artist and horror fan. I like to see that all the monsters are out! If you do not know how to apply makeup or slightly do, don’t worry, the temporary tattoo is there to help you. With the help of tattooing, you can have a mind-blowing disguise in the blink of an eye. In our temporary tattoo webshop, you can find a great number of collections that perfectly matches the disguise that you have chosen. In this article I will tell you more about the In this article I will tell you more about the Tinsley Transfers brand of which I have been a fan for many years. I had the opportunity to test many of their products and I have never been disappointed.
Trauma Serie Diseased Christien Tinsley, famous film and TV make-up artist created the brand several years ago to offer the general public with quality tattoo / disguise products. Over time, the range has expanded with 3D Transfers and false teeth to create more real-life monsters. For Halloween, we find a wide variety like Gorywood tattoo boards that include a whole range of small tattoos on a specific theme. Then we find the range Trauma serie, they are bigger realistic tattoos and they exist in different themes as well. Here, I made two makeup with the Trauma range, they represent the models " Stapled and Stiched " and " Diseased " .
Trauma Serie Stapled and Stitched
Trauma Serie Diseased They are very easy to put on and can be placed as you wish. In general, you will still need to add some makeup for a complete look but even with something minimalist like darkening the eyes or hollowing the cheeks, you will get a nice result. Then we have my favorite range which is the 3D transfers ! In short, they are tattoos too, they are placed exactly like any tattoo but look like prostheses due to their 3D effect. You can find many tutorials on YouTube on how to put them on. I made a Frankenstein inspired makeup with the " Staplestein " 3D tattoo to show you.
Tinsley 3D Staplestein
Tinsley 3D Staplestein To sum up Tinsley tattoos, the series altogether, are of excellent quality and really adds up if you want to disguise for Halloween!
Trauma Serie Stapled And Stitched
Discover all Halloween themed tattoos in our webshop.
* All makeup featured in this article was created by Jenni from the blog “Jenni dans tous ses états.” She is a self-taught artist who is passionate about artistic makeup and character-creation.
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