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Temporary tattoos for your Halloween makeup

October has started, the fall is here and the leaves are starting to turn! But most importantly, Halloween is almost here, and now’s the time to start thinking about your costume. Halloween isn’t only a holiday for kids, so adults too can take this one opportunity in the year to transform themselves for one night.

Halloween makeup with temporary tattoos and 3d FX tattoos

What could be better than to accessorize your costume with temporary tattoos? You can now find all sorts of very high-quality tattoos available. The selection at Tattoo for a Week is wide, so you’ll surely find something great for any price.

Whether you’re looking for something scary or something pretty, something discreet or something impressive, you’re sure to find something. Temporary tattoos can help you create a unique costume that will set you apart. With the right costume and makeup, they can make all the difference.

Here are a few examples of makeup created with temporary tattoos from the website:

Vampire makeup

Vampire makeup created with FX Vampire teeth and the “Vampire’s Kiss” tattoo set

Halloween Clown

Clown makeup created with the Devilish Grin tattoo

little red devillish grin

Zombie Little Red Riding Hood makeup created with the “Bugs & Pus Nitefall” tattoo set.

What if a tattoo isn’t enough and you want to take your costume to the next level? Want makeup with more FX involved? I suggest taking a look at FX teeth and 3D FX Tinsley Transfers tattoos featured on the site.

3D FX tattoos are presented as prosthetics, but are applied like temporary tattoos. With these products, you don’t need to be a makeup expert – applying these effects is child’s play, and the finished result is incredible. They are created so that anyone can achieve movie-worthy special effects. From the unicorn to the vampire or glass shards, you can find whatever you need for any theme.

Here are a few examples of makeup created with Tinsley Transfers FX products:

Glass shards fake 3d tattoos

Makeup created with “Glass Shards” 3D FX Transfers

Unicorn 3d fx tattoo

Unicorn makeup with the “Unicorn” 3D FX Transfers

Devil’s Horns 3D FX Transfers

Makeup created with “Devil’s Horns” 3D FX Transfers

These are only some examples of makeup creations. You can choose your own style and let your imagination run wild to create a personalized costume using temporary tattoos. Create a surprising look and you’re sure to steal the show this Halloween!

Visit the Halloween section of the website and you’ll find all these products and lots of other great products to use on your costume!

* All makeup featured in this article was created by Jenni from the blog “Jenni dans tous ses états.” She is a self-taught artist who is passionate about artistic makeup and character-creation.

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