Fino al 30% DI SCONTO - Tattoo For A Week stabilito dal 2009

Spring is officially here! The stars are saying its the Lamb and Rams time of year!

Its in the stars! well according to this star sign Aries in 3 days time! spring is officially here… lambs are being born the randy rams have done their job! is this the star sign you were born under! 21st March- 20th April Aries are reckless determined and nothing will stand in their way ! they have bundles of energy and are extremely competitive they aim to come first at everything.. god help everyone if they loose as they aren’t very good at that! they make brilliant partners in life, inspiring leaders and great politicians, they love to organize and supervise rather than actually working! Try never to ignore this star sign or you may not like the outcome! but you never need to worry as they are very friendly kind and generous and its been know that anyone born under Sagittarius are attracted to them! Star sign tattoos are a great way to wear some ink, its very personal to you and your individuality Our Russian artist "freeone" designed these star signs for us, they are very unique and different from your average zodiac sign design, they make great unusual gifts,

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